More About
Chiara Francesca Arianna d'Onofrio

  "Though she walks with thoughts in the sky,
Chiara's beauty none deny.
Yet vision can belie - her deadly gift
to be swift as foes die!"
     Thomas of Tenby - The Hall of Bryn Gwlad

My work in the arts

S.C.A. Honors and Awards begin date 1/1985

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  • S.C.A. Name: Chiara Francesca Arianna d'Onofrio - Registered 1986
  • S.C.A. Lady Title - AoA - 03/28/1987
    • - Hector Philip Martel I and Rowan Beatrice vom Kampfer I
  • S.C.A. Device Registered - January 1997
  • S.C.A. Award of the Sable Crane of Ansteorra: give for Service to the Kingdom. - 1/10/1998
    • Kein MacEwan II and Alisha MacLeod II
  • S.C.A. Apprenticed to Master Fritz der Rothirsch - 11/7/1998
  • S.C.A. Order of the Oak of the Steppes - Jan 8 2000
    • Daffydd Whittaker and Octavia de Verdon
  • S.C.A. Award of the Sable Thistle of Ansteorra: give for Glovemaking. - 8/11/2001
    • Duncan Arthur Ross and Larrissa Clarewoode de Aquataine III
  • S.C.A. Order of the Star of Merit of Ansteorra: give for Excellence in Service to the Kingdom. - 2/4/2004
    • Miguel Sebastian de Oporto II and Conall O Rioghbhardain II
  • S.C.A. Order of the Iris of Merit of Ansteorra: give for Excellence in the Arts of the Kingdom. - 5/27/2006
    • Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim II and Valeria Richela Navarra II
  • S.C.A. King's Gauntlet of Ansteorra: A Grace award given for Service to the Crown. - 7/6/2006
    • Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim II and Valeria Richela Navarra II
  • S.C.A. Squired to Mushir Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim - 7/7/2007
  • S.C.A. Court Baroness to TRM Aaron III and Vanessa II- 6/14/2008
    • Aaron MacGregor III and Vanessa de Verona II
  • S.C.A. Apprenticed to Dame Eleanor of Leycestershyre - 1/28/2012

S.C.A. Persona story

  • Born: A quest of my persona since her birth was of mysterious circumstances. I resided in Italia most of my life.
    I am daughter to Don Giovanni Lorenzo di Montifeora and Countess Drusilla of Northumbria. Raised by Giovanni and his lady wife Philomena, my true mother was not introduced to me until her coronation at which time I became her ward for the duration of the reign.
  • I was elevated to my status as a lady just prior to my knowledge of my birth circumstances. My father raised me with a gentle hand and trained me to read and write so that I would be able to help my future husband from a strong French family with the family shipping business.
  • I was lost at sea on a trip to England from Italia. I was swept to a shore with the greenest of grasses. My savior was a gentle man by the name of Bruce Ericsson. His eyes were like none I had ever gaze into. They held flames that were deep and sturdy. Time went by and word from my family and husband never came.
  • Waiting the appropriate number of years as decreed by the church for an annulment, Bruce and I were married. We have grown gray together over the years and have three of our own to raise into the light of the Ansteorran Star.
  • In a. s. xxxiii, we learned that my mother, Drusilla, had passed on to the other side soon after we learned that my father Giovanni had also passed from here to join her at her side. May they smile upon the children of our bloodline and see that all is good. They are forever immortal in them.

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