A Quest for the Dream

This is an Amtgard Quest written for the Duchy of Tirana, Celestial Kingdom. It was based on a story called: A Dreamer's Travels written by Master Locksley of the SCA.

The quest was written in three weeks in February of 1996. The quest was advertised for two weeks. We expected an attendance of the usual 30 or so fighters, we got 50 plus.

I had to recycle the characters as they died. This is the way the quest ran. Everyone played a character. The majority of the players were pilgrims. As they died they received a new character and logged the number of points they lost or gained according to the points on each card and returned to the field. All the characters with the exception of the Monarchs were recycled.

Quest for the Dream

Dark Characters:
King Pride
Queen Lust
Queen Gossip
Princess/prince Sloth
Princess/prince Anger
Princess/prince Covetousness
Princess/prince Envy
Goodwife Pick


Whispering beast

Good Characters:

King Honor
Queen Love
Princess/prince Prudence
Princess/prince Faith
Princess/prince Virtue
Princess/prince Justice
Princess/prince Temperance
Princess/prince Fortitude (oldest)
Princess/prince Hope
Princess/prince Charity
Princess/prince Desire

Characters of Honor:

The Saracen
The Mongol
The Cavalier
Lady Knight


Forest of Despair
Woodstick Road
Forest of Falsehood
Perilous Path
Lickspittle Lane
Doubting Castle
Mountains of Shame
Mountains of Peril
Castle Grim
Forest Greenwood
Path of Service
Mire of Politics
Mountain Burnout
Castle of the Dream


Lance of the Serpent (art): A hidden item that can harm Queen Lust and kill any of her minions. Therefore she hides it but cannot be used to help her or her minions. After the Quest it is a Tirana, (or if the quest is run in a different group it becomes a park only item), item only. It is blade sharpened. The wielder will have a constant urge to be creative in the arts and sciences.

Shield of the Flame (service): This item is with Queen Gossip. She harbors it for it will repel her and her minions, the only weapon that can shine truth in their eyes and kill them without a fight. Also a Tirana only item, (or if the quest is run in a different group it becomes a park only item). Will repel all vampires, lycanthrops, and other evil. The holder is constantly urged to perform service for his club.

Candle of Arthur (crown): This item will be with Princess/Prince Hope. It has unlimited heals with the incantation: "With my hands I touch your life and you are healed", the Healed one will then swear fealty to the Crown/Coronet of the Park or the Heal will take all remaining lives. The holder is constantly urged to be all the virtues that make a leader. It will become a Park only item.

Sword of Justice (sword): The Sword is with Queen Lust. She fights with the Sword of Justice if necessary. With the Sword she can call unlimited honor duels that must be fought evenly matched, i.e. She has a sword already so the opponent must fight with a sword plus whatever else the opponent chooses. After this quest the item continues to work the same way. A Park item only, The holder will fight to their best honorable, skillful level.

Character Descriptions:

King Pride:

He is the King of the Dread Forest and lives in the Castle Grim. He knows all the things that can succumb everyone in the realm to their pride. He entices others to succumb to their pride by any means. He fights as a 6th level Warrior. If anyone comes within his black outlined sphere they succumb to his powers, and if in a fight they die he gains 1 pt. per death attributed to a person's pride. He has one life.

Queen Gossip:

She knows every rumor in the realm and kills with her weapon poisoned with rumors. The wounds caused by the weapon will never fully heal and leave a scar visible by all. Only the hands of Hope and Charity can help the partial healing of these wounds. Lie, Slander, Treason, and Libel protect her. She rides the whispering beast, a deadly creature whose words are never the same twice. She gains 1pt per successful wounding and 2pts per successful kill. S/he is an evil 3rd level Assassin. She hides the Lance of the Serpent.

Queen Lust:

She is the Queen to King Pride and lives in the Castle Grim. She knows all the ways to seduce everyone in the realm. She uses seduction to win anyone to her side. She takes many forms to achieve this; male, female or Magical creature. She is a 6th level Wizard with unlimited lives. She fights with the Sword of Justice if necessary. With the Sword she can call unlimited honor duels that must be fought evenly matched, i.e. She has a sword already so the opponent must fight with a sword plus whatever else the opponent chooses. She gains 1 pt per successful seduction to the dark side or successful death. She is The Twin of Princess Desire.

Princess/Prince Sloth:

S/he sits at the entrance of Burnout Mountain on the way to Castle of the Dream. S/he discourages all questers from crossing for " There is nothing at the peak, and less on the other side". S/he speaks in harsh tones and misleads the questers to the path. It is also a success if she can convince them to CARRY her/him over the path to the Castle. S/he will gain 1 pt per success. S/he is a 3rd Level Druid.

Princess/Prince Anger:

S/he is a stick jock that is found wandering through the Forest of Despair looking for rhino-hiders to teach them a lesson that they will never forget. Craven is her/his true target. S/he gains 1 pt for successfully teaching a lesson. Choose one of the following classes to play: 4th level Warrior, or 5th level Scout.

Princess/Prince Envy:

The only child that still lives with her/his parents the King and Queen in the Castle Grim. S/he plots to overthrow them at all times. S/he feels that s/he was wronged and unjustly overlooked for the next in line for the throne. S/he gains 1pt for gathering a party of 3 or more and harming one of the evil Monarchs. 4th level Assassin.

Princess/Prince Covetousness:

S/he can be found at the Crossroads kneeling in the spot where s/he received their last award unable to ever move. Around her/his midriff are four belts that keep getting stepped on. Hangings off the belts are many ribbons of Masterhoods gilded in Gold. Strewed about her/him are scrolls of awards that are overflowing from her/his arms and is asking for more. S/he gains 1pt. by successfully convincing anyone that this way of life is the way to go. Choose one of the following classes to play: 3rd level Druid, 3rd level Scout, or 3rd level Healer.

Goodwife Pick:

She sits at the crossroads leading to the Castle of the Dream. She is dressed rather poorly with zippers in her garb and is sewing a polyester double-knit dress on a serger. Her child is by her side in a mundane stroller and mundane clothes. She picks apart everyone's garb accusing everyone of using sewing machines instead of hand sewing. She is not a fighter and gains 1pt per person she engages in an argument about how period their garb is/is not.

Pompous: is sibling to King Pride and one of his squires. S/he agrees with everything Pride says. S/he believes that achieving Knighthood of the Sword solely consists of "swinging a stick with great fierce, and having the thickest skin". S/he gains 1pt per success in making someone believe him. Choose one of the following classes to play: 3rd level Warrior, 4th level Scout, 4th level Archer.

Knowall: is a sibling to King Pride and one of his Squires. S/he is also a Master of the Rose. S/he believes that the only true Knighthood is that of the Flame. S/he speaks of nothing but politics and groveling. S/he gains 1pt per success in convincing someone of his/her point of view. Choose one of the following classes to play: 3rd level Warrior, 4th level Scout, or 4th level Archer.

Hate: Her/his purpose in life is to find the Candle of Arthur and extinguish it. S/he lives in the Castle Grim and wanders it's perimeter beating on wayward adventurers. 3rd level Warrior, 5th level Scout.

Despair: Her/his purpose in life is to find the Candle of Arthur and extinguish it. S/he lives in the Castle Grim and wanders it's perimeter beating on wayward adventures. 3rd level Warrior, 5th level Scout.

Craven: A stick jock who loves to torment Prince Anger. S/he loves to be a rhino-hider and calls no shots or calls them light, garb shots. S/he gains 1 pt. for successfully beating anger and successfully beating anyone else. Choose one of the following classes to play: 4th level Warrior, 3rd level Archer, or 5th level Scout.

Cynicism: Her/his purpose in life is to find the Candle of Arthur and extinguish it. S/he lives in the Castle Grim and wanders it's perimeter beating on wayward adventures. 3rd level Warrior, 5th level Scout.

Sadness: Her/his purpose in life is to find the Candle of Arthur and extinguish it. S/he lives in the Castle Grim and wanders it's perimeter beating on wayward adventures. 3rd level Warrior, 5th level Scout.

Lie: S/he is a servant of Queen Gossip. S/he fights for the Queen and calls up all the lies about an adventurer to entice them to fight. This character is one of five that protect the Shield of the Flame, the only weapon that can shine truth in their eyes and kill them without a fight. 3rd level warrior, 4th level Monk, 3rd level Assassin, or 3rd level Archer.

Treason: S/he is a servant of Queen Gossip. S/he fights for the Queen and calls up all the lies about an adventurer to entice them to fight. This character is one of five that protect the Shield of the Flame, the only weapon that can shine truth in their eyes and kill them without a fight. 3rd level warrior, 4th level Monk, 3rd level Assassin, or 3rd level Archer.

Slander: S/he is a servant of Queen Gossip. S/he fights for the Queen and calls up all the lies about an adventurer to entice them to fight. This character is one of five that protect the Shield of the Flame, the only weapon that can shine truth in their eyes and kill them without a fight. 3rd level warrior, 4th level Monk, 3rd level Assassin, or 3rd level Archer.

Libel: S/he is a servant of Queen Gossip. S/he fights for the Queen and calls up all the lies about an adventurer to entice them to fight. This character is one of five that protect the Shield of the Flame, the only weapon that can shine truth in their eyes and kill them without a fight. 3rd level warrior, 4th level Monk, 3rd level Assassin, or 3rd level Archer.

Whispering Beast: S/he is a servant of Queen Gossip. S/he fights for the Queen and calls up all the lies about an adventurer to entice them to fight. This character is one of five that protect the Shield of the Flame, the only weapon that can shine truth in their eyes and kill them without a fight. 3rd level warrior, 4th level Monk, 3rd level Assassin, or 3rd level Archer.

Queen Love: She is the most Beautiful Woman of the Realm. She exudes love for her fellow Dreamers. She is kind and just. She heals with a look of concern and soothes any wrong with a touch of her hand. Everyone loves her and will protect her Honor at any cost. She is a 5th Level healer with the power of healing any wound except that inflicted by Queen Gossip and her minions. She can do only a partial healing. She gains 4pts for healing anyone and 5pts for healing anyone wounded by Queen Lust and her minions.

King Honor: He is a man that is lovable and very much respected. He is Husband to Queen Love. He is the Father of Prudence, Faith, Virtue, Justice, Temperance, Fortitude, Hope, Charity, and Uncle to Desire. He fights only the Evil of the land and protects the Dream. He knows that the true Dream is as individual as every attendee of his court. He is a 5th level Scout and gains 4pts for every evil person he turns to the Dream.

Prince/Princess Prudence: The Youngest of 7 children of Virtue. She was attacked by Queen Lust who stole the Shield of the Flame from her. She is the constant companion of The Pilgrim who seeks the Castle of the Dream where her parents live. She does not slander. 5th level healer. Gains 3pts for healing questers.

Prince/Princess Charity: One of the 7 children of Virtue. Can partially heal any wound, with the help of Charity, which Queen Gossip inflicts via herself or her minions. Gains 3pts for Healing, 4pts for giving her/his life for another. 5th level healer.

Prince/Princess Faith: S/he is one of the seven Children of Virtue. S/he is a captive of the Queen Lust and must be rescued. The Queen tortures her/him. S/he can play 4th level healer, 3rd level Monk, or 3rd level Warrior. Gains 3pts for each healing or defending a fellow quester.

Prince/Princess Justice: S/he is one of the seven Children of Virtue. Rides through the Forest and rights wrongs. Defends all good and honorable questers. 4th level Warrior, 4th level Monk. Gains 3pts for righting wrongs and 10pts for dying defending a fellow quester.

Prince/Princess Fortitude: S/he is one of the seven Children of Virtue. S/he preservers for the truth and spear heads the path to the Castle of the Dream. He leads all questers through the treacherous path in the Forest. Gains 3pts for each quester they lead through the forest successful. 4th level Warrior or 3rd level anything else.

Prince/Princess Temperance: S/he is one of the seven Children of Virtue. Defends all good and honorable questers. Gains 3pts for defending a quester and 4pts for preaching successfully the honors of Temperance. 4th level Warrior or 3rd level anything else.

Prince/Princess Hope: S/he is one of the seven Children of Virtue. S/he guards the Candle of Arthur. It has the power to allow the bearer to have unlimited heals with the incantation, "with my hands I touch your life and you are healed." The healed one must pledge fealty to the Crown. Gains 3pts for healing, 4pts for giving her/his life for another, can partially heal any wound with the help of Charity that Queen Gossip inflicts via herself or her minions. 5th level healer.

Prince/Princess Desire: S/he is one of the seven Children of Virtue. Is the twin of Queen Lust. She embodies the pure love of personage as opposed to the skin as her sister Gains 3pts for healing 4pts for giving her life for another. 5th level healer.

The Cavalier: One of the Characters of Honor. He has embodied in himself the protector of all that is good. All female characters that are of Historical leaders of the military are foremost in his mind as are all the Cavaliers that fought bravely. He defends all but fights the minions of Queen Lust. He is a 3rd level Paladin. He gains 3pts for successfully killing each of her minions: Despair, Sadness, and Cynicism. He gains 5pts for dying as a result of selflessness.

The Saracen: One of the Characters of Honor. He has embodied in himself the protector of all that is good. He defends all but fights the minions of King Pride. He is a 4th level Paladin. He gains 3pts for successfully killing each of the inhabitants of Castle Grim. He gains 5pts for dying as a result of selflessness.

The Mongol: One of the Characters of Honor. He has embodied in himself the protector of all that is good. He defends all but fights the minions of Queen Gossip. He is a 5th level Paladin. He gains 3pts for successfully killing each of her minions: Lie, Slander, Treason, and Libel and the whispering beast. He gains 5pts for dying as a result of selflessness.

Lady Knight: One of the Characters of Honor. She has embodied in herself the protector of all that is good. All female characters that are of Historical leaders of the military are foremost in her mind as are all the Cavaliers that fought bravely. She defends all but fights Princess/prince Sloth, Princess/prince Anger, Princess/prince Covetousness, Princess/prince Envy. She is a 6th level Paladin. She gains 3pts for successfully killing each of their minions. She gains 5pts for dying as a result of selflessness.

Pilgrim: You are a true quester. Your quest is to find the Four items of The Dream. The Shield of the Flame, the Lance of the Serpent, The Candle of Arthur, and The Sword of Justice. You know that the Shield is with the Queen Gossip. The Lance is hidden. The Candle is with Hope. And the Sword of Justice is with King Honor. You lose 1pt for each kill, gain 2pts for finding each item, and 5pts for dying helping anyone find the items. You may play one of the following 4th level Scout, 3rd level Warrior, or 3rd level Monk.

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